the case of the missing taho vendor...
i really feel proud of myself this morning. i have managed to keep my temper at a low during the most part of my shift. it took a lot of will power and sheer determination not to hurt my pc last night. i decided to reward myself with my favorite morning craving...
as soon as my shift ended i took a trip down RS, and got out to scout and hunt manong, the taho vendor.
it was 4:10AM, a handful of call center agents were parked outside breathing their lungs to death; some slumped on the sides of the RS building with their girl/boyfriends lying on their laps, possibly just enjoying the early morning air, trying to forget the fact that another saturday night had been missed. others just getting breaths of fresh air.
still manong is nowhere in sight.
dawn-shift peeps were rushing out of their cabs; scurrying and scampering to the elevators, RS guards were brushing morning glories left and right, and my colleagues with same end shift as mine were zombie-like dragging their tired asses out of the halls of RS; half awake - half asleep, they marched out, following the long calls of their comfy beds back home
manong taho is still nowehere in sight.
i went to the back of RS hoping manong taho would be there. i see the usual tikbalang like creatures of the night across the road, silhouettes enveloped by puffs of smoke... still no manong taho in sight.
darn! where the hell is he? is it too early? Nah! i think not! went out there earlier in than 4am before, and he would be there; he was always there... i tried to go near the PB com building, across the street and near insular bank alleys... i tried to go to the back of hsbc upto the starbucks area to no avail...
i gave up. it's 5AM already. im hungry. i need food...
i decided to just go to jollibeer across the street and settled for relatively satisfying burger steak breakfast meal.
but even as i sip on my hot choco and played with my gravy and egg, i still wondered about manong taho, and where had gone to... was he too sick to work today? had he been victim to an accident, or had he been heldup, or was he arrested for selling taho at Ayala? was he killed?
i shook my head; i'm beginning to become morbid again, for all we know, manong taho was out partying all night, got laid and got too much alcohol that he can digest that he drowned himself to sleep, and is still swimming up in neverland; maybe he had gone tired of taho vending and has declared a self-proclaimed day-off...after all, he is the master of his own business. he is his own boss.
oh well...
life goes on...
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