Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday Night Work...

ox·y·mo·ron (ŏk'sē-môr'ŏn', -mōr'-) n., pl. -mo·ra (-môr'ə, -mōr'ə) or -rons.

- A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined.

tonight is my first time to do saturday night work.

i'm forced to do this because of the such-short-notice shift changes made by management last week. im forced to do it. i like PS. i'm just not a fan of changes.

i got my mom a ride to pampanga after doing groceries at Robinson's. then i dragged myself to work and came in to our stuffy-smelling room, with only a handful of agents on the floor; same poor souls entasked to do work on a saturday night.

i brought a couple of C2's and a family-size bag of clover chips with me just to inspire me to work. sadly the chips only lasted 45 minutes, and my c2 dropped it's last 20 minutes later.
no browse policy is still in effect, so i can only do so much on the computer. i'm typing this blog on a lime green sticky notepad.

i have failed three of my last four QA sessions last week. all because of my temper. i told myself, today, screw AHT. im on QA mode. i must do good tonight.

while waiting for calls. i busied myself meditating;conditioning myself not to be irate tonight. after all, it's just one night. i just hope nobody will give me attitude tonight...

or else, they're gonna get it from me...

i miss G3...
i miss my starbucks...
i miss my saturday night already...



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