Monday, April 25, 2005

and it's Monday again...

today is the first day, at least for me, after the shift rotation was implemented here in Elnk.

Rotation equates to new supes, new seat plans, and new computer stations. lucky for me my schedule didn't change so circadian rhythm would still be in sync. also my supe is also a good one; known for his sturdy and heavyset built, and also for being one of the few team heads who really look after his direct reports. what bugs me most is the fact that i have to set-up my station again; from my softwares to the feng shui-ish arrangement of my coffee mug, to my rayban, to my CMS, to my one ear-phoned headset, to my pile of junk papers that i can't find the courage to throw away, i dunno why, but i just can't.

i went two hours early in the office just to do this ritual. one and half hours later; everything "seems" to be settled.

i should be good to go for the night.
i was running through my lucheon meat in OutLook, and i came across the DR list for this period.

then it hit me.

i dunno anyone in my new team. i was always a lone soldier in the 5pm shift. now i have new teammates. not that there is anything wrong with that but it just came to me that i won't be sitting Nokia2100 who is my lunch buddy; Lifesuck won't be there to bug us with his very corny jokes; wally won't be there to back me up when we are trippin with lifesuck, and the rest of the gang won't be there to laugh at him! :)

i am sure to miss those guys. i admit they were the most fun group i had been with in PS.

i sure hope lifesuck remembers to take his autism-suppressant pills...


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