Tuesday, May 31, 2005

soaked wet... nice...

summer time is ready to step aside now and make way for wet season which is already around the corner.

it's still sweltering hot during mornings till late noon, but dark clouds can already be seen looming from afar.

i've always loved wet season. i loved the rain; happy or sad my mood maybe, i loved the rain. whether i'm under it or watching it trickle down the windows, it gives me a comforting feeling.

before going to work this afternoon,at around 2pm, i woke up feeling really hungry for i have not taken any food since my lunch break from work which was 16 hours ago then...

i got up and decided to go to jolllibeer and have a champ meal. while i was happily munching on my burger, it happened. the first real rain after a long while fell like grace from the heavens; and it's not just those summer rains where in the sun shone like hell. it rained amidst a cool, gloomy gray sky with a moderate calming breeze.

i hurriedly finished by lunch,then armed with a chocolate sundae, and 2 mango pies, i braved the 10 minute walk to my boarding house. it was such a wonderful feeling! the last time i got soaked wet by the rain was around a year ago already when i went to fetch astronaut from GMA one stormy night and got drenched by the heavy rainfall, not to mention the knee-high floodwaters i had to brave through...

when i got home, i got a small chair, sat in the middle of the parking lot and enjoyed the rain as itim, our looban cat, lazily watched me from afar...

such a blissful afternoon...


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